Door to Door
Door to Door
Door to Door

People often wonder why there are four accounts of the life of Christ recorded in the New Testament. The simple answer is that the four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) all tell us the same story, but from four different viewpoints.

The gospel writers all tell us the same basic story about the life of Christ. However, while one writer might choose to emphasise the parables of our Lord, another writer might skip over the parables and dwell on His nature and character as the Son of God, while yet another emphasises His manhood. Putting all four gospel accounts together gives us a fuller and richer portrait of the life and work of Jesus the Messiah.

The four gospels truly give us a marvellous insight into the life of the Son of God who gave Himself for us!

The believers in Newtownbreda Gospel Hall have an interest in distributing the four Gospels in the immediate area around the hall over the next few months. It is our desire that as they are received, each Gospel will be read and God will bless His Word as the knowledge of His Son is spread in this way.